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If you would like to use EDA Playground without agreeing to the LIMITED USE TERMS, you can instead log in using your Google or Facebook account, but doing so restricts access to some of these Licensed Products. If you log in using your Google or Facebook account, you can choose to validate your user ID later should you decide you would like to access some of these Licensed Products. Access to these Licensed Products is restricted to those users who submit full personal details including valid details of their current company, institutional or academic affiliation and agree to specific LIMITED USE TERMS.
As you submit your personal details for validation, you will be required to indicate your commitment to and acceptance of the set of LIMITED USE TERMS with associated personal liability for any misuse or abuse attributable to your VALIDATED USER ID. Please read carefully before indicating your agreement.
Doulos reserves the right to deny or remove access to Licensed Products for any User at any time without reference or explanation and entirely at its own discretion.
Once you have validated your account, you will be able to login using your email address and password provided below:
Please contact Matthew Taylor ([email protected]) and/or check out the forum